Hello world!

How many times have I done this? Promised myself and those few* readers who actually will find and read my meanderings that I will “continue to meander for the greater good”? How many different “Hello World” posts or programs do I have somewhere out there in the ether that were going to be brilliant things that turned out to just be…hello?

Let me put it this way, Vegas wouldn’t touch that bet unless the over/under was somewhere close to 37 (ok, 37.5 just so there is no tie possible). I mean, it has taken me over a week to write just this much of this post, and it’ll be at least another week before I even think about publishing it. Between blogs and programming languages that I’ve told myself I would learn (oh React, you so crazy) and just random things online I’ve definitely had my fair share of Hello World moments.

Anyway <sigh>. Let’s just see how the sausage is made**?

*2, ok? In this case by “few” I mean 2.

**Supposedly, this expression means you want to reveal or expose something unpleasant or possibly even illegal. Whereas I don’t think this blog is illegal (my lawyers tell me I need to add a “yet” here), it’s definitely unpleasant. So yeah, I’m going with this.